Park improvements are much appreciated | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: We wish to express a huge thank you to our Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park & Recreation District!

To the editor:

We wish to express a huge thank you to our Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park & Recreation District! Here are a few of the improvements at our beloved Fort Ward Park:

Paving the South entrance to the park;

Speed bumps at the North entrance (with spaces so bikes can get through);

Needed thinning and clearing;

Removal of “old” gates at the north end, and, more recently;

Listening to suggestions for improvements — especially moving the bollards further south so the boat and trailer turn around could be used (once again); and

The innovative idea of having the goats (260!) eat the ivy and other “over populated” vegetation in the general boat launch area.

If we can indulge you in a couple of “play on words,” the district was Ivy League in getting our goat, but we’re so appreciative of the improvements and the responsiveness to citizen input.

Keep up the great work!


Pleasant Beach