Court martial could end our nightmare | Letter to the editor

To the editor:

We didn’t need Trump’s tweet telling congresswomen of color that they should go back to the countries they came from, to know that he is our nation’s “Racist-in-Chief.”

When he defends himself by saying “many people agree with” him, we know he’s referring to fellow racists and white supremacists. You know, the “good people” on the Nazi side.

Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, “conduct unbecoming an officer or gentleman shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.” Draft-dodging liar Donald J. Trump was never a commissioned offer but he is, with the help of Russian interference, now Commander-in-Chief.

If Pelosi is more concerned about keeping her job as speaker than doing her job and seeking to impeach this egotistic, racist idiot; maybe a military court, just for fun, could “court martial” Trump and start the ball rolling to end this national nightmare.


Bainbridge Island