Unyielding voices among us | IN OUR OPINION

The gun turn-in collection days sponsored by the Bainbridge Island Police Department earlier this month provided yet new examples of how hardened some people’s opinions are about guns.

The gun turn-in collection days sponsored by the Bainbridge Island Police Department earlier this month provided yet new examples of how hardened some people’s opinions are about guns.

Though the gun turn-in program was completely voluntary, several anonymous emails sent to the police department while the effort was underway underscore just how strident and unyielding some people are when it comes to the

Second Amendment.

Wrote one person to the police department: “I have a really sleazy old boat that if it got into the wrong hands could be used to run over the swimming children of our island or even worse it might fall into the hands of [a] terrorist. Like guns, I assume I can dump it in the parking lot of the police department and you will haul it away for me and get rid of it. Thanks.”

And then, there was this: “Bainbridge City Council supports propaganda and covert control of United States. We have well over 70 million students in our schools at any given time. The shooting that started all the gun repression represented ‘less’ then .0000003 percent of students in the U.S. The chances of your child being shot at school by an intruder is nil. (A number of people in our government and news media don’t want you to know that.)

“Because of how the news media propagandized the last shooting people now live in fear for the safety of their children … If our news media is using propaganda techniques on the people of our nation what else are they controlling? They are the ones that determine how many viable political parties we are allowed to have by controlling who is allowed to debate during elections. Shouldn’t Bainbridge be more worried about things that affect us like covert control of our elections?”

It’s disappointing but perhaps not surprising that some Second Amendment absolutists among us will not support any efforts, even voluntary ones, to limit the number of guns in our society.