Outrage over SMP is misplaced | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: The photo on the front page of the March 15 Review of shoreline homeowners protesting made me think of the Charles Barkley Saturday Night Live skit, “White People’s Problems.”

To the editor:

The photo on the front page of the March 15 Review of shoreline homeowners protesting made me think of the Charles Barkley Saturday Night Live skit, “White People’s Problems.”

We certainly are blessed on Bainbridge Island if this is what people get outraged about. Forty years ago, a good number of folks in that picture may have been carrying signs that said, “Stop the War,” now it’s “Get Off My Lawn” – a measure, perhaps of how our society has progressed.

Good for you, Chiara D’Angelo-Patricio for trying to remind those Baby Boomers that the good things in life didn’t start with them and shouldn’t end with them. I’m afraid, though, they never learned to listen to anyone but themselves.


Bainbridge Island