Let’s talk turkey | Joseph Tappen

The Review visited Ordway Elementary to talk turkey — and Thanksgiving — with some of the school’s first-graders.

The Review visited Ordway Elementary to talk turkey — and Thanksgiving — with some of the school’s first-graders.

Joseph Tappen, 7

What do you like about Thanksgiving?

“We eat chocolate pie.”

Chocolate pie? I’ve heard of pumpkin pie…

“I know. And pumpkin pie. And sour cream pie!”

Three kinds of pie?


There’s a sour cream pie?

“Yeah. Except, you put sour cream in it. Not pumpkin. It tastes good.”

How many pumpkins does it take to make a pumpkin pie?

“Like one huge one.”

Do you guys do turkey too?


Who cooks the turkey?

“My mom.”

How do you cook a turkey?

“You put it in the oven and you put on the thingy, the timer thingy.”

How do you know it when it’s done?

“Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.”

Who were the Pilgrims?

“They traveled from England.”

Why did they come here?

“Because they couldn’t worship God in their way.”

How did they get here?

“By Mayflower.”

Is that as big as a ferry boat?

“No, it’s 110 feet.”

Did it take a long time to get over here on the boat?

“Yeah, two months.”

Two months? What did they do for two months to pass time on the boat?

“The children played games and sang songs. And they all did stuff.”

What did they do after they got here?

“They started working.”

These Pilgrims, why do you think they have buckles on their shoes?

“Because they didn’t have laces or Velcro. They just buckled them up.”

Best part of Thanksgiving, for you?

“Eating all the food.”


Pick up Friday’s edition of the Review for more turkey talk with Opstad Elementary students.