Green Room opens its creative, co-working space

The Green Room on Bainbridge Island launched its first round of classes this week, and will continue to have sessions throughout the summer.

The Green Room on Bainbridge Island launched its first round of classes this week, and will continue to have sessions throughout the summer.

The Green Room is a digital, creative and co-working space that opened last month. Desks can be rented daily or monthly, and include snacks, coffee, high speed Internet and access to meeting spaces and a small photography studio (with a green screen).

Classes include Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop for Photographers with Marc Shor, a screenwriter’s workshop with Liz Ellis, and a media workshop with Ben Goldsmith.

Shor, a celebrated local photographer, focuses on techniques that allow digital photographers to manage and edit their photographs and prepares his students for printing.

Ellis is an experienced screenwriting teacher who specializes in teaching the craft of screenwriting. She also examines the process of staying on task and completing a project. Students will set their own assignments, which will undergo both peer and instructor review.

Goldsmith, an editor and motion graphic artist, mirrors certain aspects of Ellis’ class, in that peer and instructor review are core parts of the workshop.

In the short amount of time that TGR has been open, it has hosted Honey Toad Productions, Northwest Films, and a handful of independent writers.

It also provides opportunities for islanders to win memberships.

For more information about The Green Room, visit