Driver hits front of Bainbridge Rite Aid with vehicle

A driver smacked into the front of the Rite Aid drugstore in the Island Village Shopping Center just before 4 p.m. Monday.

A driver smacked into the front of the Rite Aid drugstore in the Island Village Shopping Center just before 4 p.m. Monday.

Bainbridge police, firefighters and medics were at the scene and emergency responders were talking to the driver and bystanders.

The Subara Outback struck the front of the building near the set of entry doors on the left but stopped short of striking the doors. The vehicle was at a sharp angle to the front of the store, and appeared to have been traveling east at the time of the accident.

No one appeared to be injured in the crash, and authorities were still interviewing the driver as she sat in the driver’s seat of the Subaru.

A fire engine was left to block the driving lane in front of the store, and multiple police vehicles were also at the scene.

Shoppers and patrons of other businesses in the shopping center were milling about and watching emergency responders attend to the driver.