We don’t need a mega mall on Bainbridge | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Oh no. Islanders will stand tall and stick together and squelch this plan ASAP, I am sure.

To the editor:

Oh no. Islanders will stand tall and stick together and squelch this plan ASAP, I am sure.

My family uses Vern’s for our pharmacy and would never consider going to a chain store for basic needs. If I lived in Seattle and there was no wonderful small “everything” store like Vern’s then I would like a Bartell but this is Bainbridge Island and I don’t shop at chain stores here nor do I eat at McDonald’s.

Our daughter and family, who are cruising the Pacific Rim,  uses the Kitsap bank from half way around the world. She speaks so highly about Stacy who goes out of her way to attend to her needs, whatever they may be.

Another bank here? We have six, or is it seven, already. A street running practically through this prized bank? No way.

I can’t imagine what Jim Cutler would say about this shopping center company who prides themselves on building for Staples, Home Depot, Sam’s Club, etc.

Many Islanders do take a break to go to Trader Joe’s in Kitsap and to the Office Depot there as well as maybe Costco for gas and bulk items but I don’t know anyone who would want a Home Depot or a Sam’s Club here.

We buy our gas here on the island except for those jaunts to Kitsap and they are bi-monthly at best.

We also use our shopping dollars right here at stores like T&C and restaurants like Cafe Nola and Streamliner Diner.

Dr. Hurlow and others at the Doctors Clinic and others at Virginia Mason thrive, as do we in the attention we get at these clinics.

More doctors in an office building when we have many places for them to rent right here that are in our community rather than in a mega mall. We have enough doctors on the island anyway.

It is enough to raise our collective blood pressure just at the thought of this gigantic edifice to commercialism.

We have a 2-year-old grandchild who, upon being corrected by me with an “uh oh” rushed to the Skyping iPad and got her face up close and said in no uncertain terms “Go away.”

Please do and quickly.

