Solving problems, not creating them | Letters | Aug. 6

James Olsen’s July 30 letter (“Not a word about 23rd’s LD Position 2 contest”) admonished editors Cornish (North Kitsap Herald) and Anstine (Bainbridge Island Review), for not mentioning his candidacy when they were actually referring to a different election is, to say the least, strategically stupid.

He should be more careful with what he asks for.

Mr. Olsen must realize the less known about him the better.

For example, if all the county knew of his rabble-rousing record: being thrown out of public school meetings, opposing the history and heritage of our Japanese citizens, and his vigorous campaign to oppose the Japanese Memorial now a part of The National Park System, they would be appalled.

Rep. Rolfes’s record on City Council and as a state legislator is one of brilliance. She brings different and often opposing ideologies to the table and finds agreement among them. Her excellent reputation among the voters is based on getting things done under the worst of circumstances. She solves problems rather than creates them.

Now you know.

Bob L. Burkholder

Bainbridge Island