Russia is welcome to keep Snowden | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: It is satisfyingly ironic that Edward Snowden has obtained asylum in Russia, the country most known for spying on its citizens.

To the editor:

It is satisfyingly ironic that Edward Snowden has obtained asylum in Russia, the country most known for spying on its citizens. Perhaps he can get a job working for the Russian intelligence services, repeat his cowardly deeds, and observe first hand how Russia deals with traitors.

Had he been a Russian citizen perpetrating his crimes against Russia, he would be dead by now, no matter where in the world he might have fled. He apparently forgot that Putin was head of the KGB, an organization not known for velvet glove treatment of its enemies.

Snowden has found his home in Russia, let him stay there. My apologies to the Russian people (not its government) for foisting Snowden upon them.


Bainbridge Island