Keep Madrone Lane closed to traffic | Letters | Aug. 19

I have two thoughts about the re-opening of Winslow Way.

I have two thoughts about the re-opening of Winslow Way.

Lots of people have enjoyed the closure of Madrone Lane over the past many weeks. Please don’t open Madrone Lane to auto traffic. It would ruin a good, social meeting spot of many folks.

If there is a need to open it for delivery trucks, then open it from midnight to 7:30 a.m. and then close it for the day and evening.

I now know how to get to any business on either the north or south side of Winslow whether the main drag is open or closed. For the past couple of months, I’ve discovered alley ways, short cuts, public and private byways that I never knew existed.

It will be a delight to get our main business thorough fare back again.

Roger Lauen

Bainbridge Island