When is this mess coming to an end? | Letters | Aug. 19

Why is City Hall and Winslow Street Smarts so apologetic to and for the construction going on in our face?

Why is City Hall and Winslow Street Smarts so apologetic to and for the construction going on in our face?

The street alongside Winslow Green and the intersection of Winslow Way and Madison Avenue had signs (a few weeks ago) saying construction would be completed in that area by Aug. 1, then Aug. 10 and now, who knows when? We still can’t drive through that intersection to save the businesses affected by its closure.

It’s 2:15 p.m. and all the construction workers have quit for the day. So how is this mess supposed to be finished if another six hours of good daylight is wasted?

Why do your stories and blogs not tell the truth and ask the important questions?

This ridiculously overpriced urban renewal project must come to an end and it would be nice to see some humbling by the ones who forced it down our throats.

Larry Droguett

Bainbridge Island