Faith cannot be divorced from politics | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: A recent Pew Research Center study found that 78 percent of Americans identify themselves as “Christians.” This cannot be right. For two reasons.

To the editor:

A recent Pew Research Center study found that 78 percent of Americans identify themselves as “Christians.” This cannot be right. For two reasons.

First, Christians would not be electing strident abortionists such as are found in the Democratic party and Obama. A Christian cannot support abortion or “choice” in the law. It would be like saying that they’d be OK with killing Jesus in the womb of His Mother Mary. And then where would their faith be?

Second, in a democracy, 78 percent of the people – as the majority – would not accept for one second that “God” or “Christ” cannot be uttered in support of public policy. They would see “separation of church and state” as the fraud it is. They would not suffer the “tyranny of the minority” that imposes a godless religion, secular humanism, as the de facto “religion of the state,” in direct contravention to the First Amendment.

Faith cannot be divorced from politics. A Christian people, 78 percent of Americans, ought to know that. The Declaration’s “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” and the Constitution’s “Law of Nations” pronounce the unity of faith and reason that is the undeniable Christian influence upon the “rule of law” in America.

In short, saying you’re a “Christian” doesn’t mean a thing if you don’t act, politically, as a Christian.


Bainbridge Island