Hytopoulos will help control development | Letter to the editor

To the editor:

I’m actively supporting Kirsten Hytopoulos for city council.

Unlike her opponent’s, hers is an all-volunteer operation with no paid consultants. We’re working hard to bring her story to voters because we are deeply concerned about the future of our community.

Growth and economic pressures are increasing. Unless we elect people to council who are committed to policies that control growth responsibly and sustainably, rather than policies informed by the desires of developers, Bainbridge will be scarcely recognizable in a few short years.

Kirsten has shown throughout her life her deep commitment to the environment. It is our interwoven landscape, history, and our island people that make this community a place worth protecting. Kirsten understands how special we are.

Join us in electing Kirsten Hytopoulos to city council. She is uniquely qualified to help create a future that preserves the very best of Bainbridge.


Bainbridge Island