Friends of the Farms hosts walking tour

Join Bart Berg, past president of Friends of the Farms, for a walking tour of nine agricultural properties at Suyematsu and Bentryn Family Farms at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 14.

Join Bart Berg, past president of Friends of the Farms, for a walking tour of nine agricultural properties at Suyematsu and Bentryn Family Farms at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 14.

Berg will describe the rich heritage of island farming, current agricultural practices as well as future farming initiatives. It’s also a great time to come out to the farms to see what is growing. The 1½ hour walk will go through raspberries, vineyards, row crops and greenhouses, and all ages are invited. The group will meet at the farm stand on Day Road.

For more information, contact Wendy Tyner at or call 206-842-5537.