Best Bets for July 1 – 3 | THE BAINBRIDGE BLAB

Tradition, tradition! Tradition!

What’s on your Rotary Rummage hit list? Scope out the field of bicycles, skis and comfy couches before the crowds descend and gain hours to strategize how you’ll snag it. Preview Night, $2 a pop and nothing for tots, is 5 to 8 p.m. Friday.

On Saturday, no man is your friend. Everyone beelines at 8 a.m. so it’s best to show up to Woodward early. Demophobes, just stay at home. There’s no telling what will happen.

Adrenaline kicking? Decompress with Ayron Jones & The Way. Their cool, mean rock will make you forget about the rare books or kayak or home appliance you really, really wanted. The Treehouse show is 8:30 p.m. Saturday. $15 advance.

With or without cracker jacks, the Stars & Strikes Old Timers’ Game is prime ball. The alumni game is 9 to 11 a.m. Sunday at the BHS field. $5 to watch, if you please.

Glitter tats, sidewalk chalk, street snacks: The July 3rd Street Dance just keeps getting better. Sway away from 6 to 11 p.m. Sunday. Food and bev is cash only.