Results are in regarding the city of Bainbridge Island’s survey about affordable housing, and there seems to be a big disconnect between government and its citizens.
There were 556 responses.
One large gap is regarding having affordable housing where the current police station now sits at Highway 305 and Winslow Way. While city government has been pushing forward on it the survey shows residents are against that 52% to 29%.
About 90% say the city has not done a good job explaining who affordable housing pertains to, who will manage it, how much it will cost, when it is needed and where it might be located.
Respondents were split about 40% each on if they want the city to invest in affordable housing.
About 52% support building senior affordable housing at the BI Senior Community Center, with another 17% needing more information and 11% having no opinion.
There was close to an even split regarding housing on the Suzuki property at Sportsman Club and New Brooklyn Road, with 40% opposed and 37% in favor.
Overall, 46% rate the city as poor in informing residents about issues, with 28% saying it does a fair job and 18% saying a good job.
As to preserving the historical and cultural character of BI, 30% say fair, 29% poor and 25% good.
Regarding its honesty, 32% say poor, 28% fair and 14% good.
As to the quality of new development on BI, 34% say it’s fair, 29% poor and 24% good.
Finally, 80% of the respondents say they live in single-family residences.
There were 256 comments attached to the survey. Following is a sample:
•I just want to afford to live in the town I grew up in. So many communities are excluded because of housing and that’s unjust.
•City Hall is a closed-door cult.
•This survey seems to have an anti-development, anti-change, anti-government bias.
•Housing, affordable or otherwise, is not something I believe the city should ever own.
•Let residents know what you intend to do when we run out of water because you are overloading BI with people.
•Allow the free market to fill the need. It never works with other people’s money.
•Stop paying consultants for advice you don’t take. Ask the people who live here.
•Place less emphasis on being politically correct and more on improving the quality of life for BI residents.
•Additional housing near the ferry would only exacerbate the problem of crowding and heavy traffic.
•Affordable housing can happen when the city expedites permitting and waives connection fees, but private developers should build and/or own it.
•I support affordable housing even in my backyard.
•Poulsbo, Kingston, Indianola, Silverdale and others offer affordable housing. If Bainbridge is too expensive then move somewhere else.