Shakespeare series continues next week with Shakespeare Society director Tom Challinor

Join BPA Shakespeare Society director Tom Challinor for “A History of English from the Anglo-Saxons to Shakespeare” at 7 pm. Tuesday, Feb. 17 at the Bainbridge Public Library.

Join BPA Shakespeare Society director Tom Challinor for “A History of English from the Anglo-Saxons to Shakespeare” at 7 pm. Tuesday, Feb. 17 at the Bainbridge Public Library.

The program will help both writers and speakers understand the special attributes and the idiosyncrasies of English in a way that is both fun and informative.

English changed more in the 100 years before Shakespeare was born than it has changed in the 450 years since. Challinor asks, “Where did it come from…and what processes shaped our mother tongue?” He continues, “We acquire language before we have the capacity to understand what it is and how it operates, lessons we only learn when we study a foreign language.”

The free talk is part of the Shakespeare Speaker Series and is provided in partnership with Field’s End.

For more information, call 206-842-4162 or visit