Bainbridge Bakers shows Alescio prints

Throughout the month of January, Bainbridge Bakers Gallery will exhibit “Images of Color and Composition” by Robert Alescio.

Throughout the month of January, Bainbridge Bakers Gallery will exhibit “Images of Color and Composition” by Robert Alescio.

In this presentation, Alescio displays his unique vision of the world seen through the camera lens. Featured are photographs from locations ranging from Bainbridge Island to Europe. The images display a kaleidoscope of colors and a dynamic range of light.

About his work, Alescio said, “A great joy for me is to seek out a photogenic environment and abandon myself to it, to capture its essence – and then expound upon it. Whether a work of man or nature’s own creation, I hope to discover the hidden beauty within.”

A special meet-the-artist reception will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 2.