We deserve better than bogus claims from city council canidates | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: As a rule, it’s not good form to directly criticize a candidate during an election. Regardless of how much we might disagree with a candidate’s political philosophy, anyone who is willing to run for office deserves our respect. But when candidates make such exaggerated claims in an attempt to win an election that they are doing a disservice not just to the campaign but to the entire community, it’s time to ignore the rule.

To the editor:

As a rule, it’s not good form to directly criticize a candidate during an election. Regardless of how much we might disagree with a candidate’s political philosophy, anyone who is willing to run for office deserves our respect. But when candidates make such exaggerated claims in an attempt to win an election that they are doing a disservice not just to the campaign but to the entire community, it’s time to ignore the rule.

Candidate Dick Haugan has repeatedly made false and inflammatory assertions about the SMP, the state mandated program to protect the ecology of our shoreline.

Certainly, as he states, runoff is a problem for the Sound, but the entire ecology of the Sound depends upon the health of the near shoreline. We need decisions based on science and facts, not on fabrications such as the illegality of our SMP or the certainty of lawsuits which have been refuted by the DOE and local counsel on numerous occasions.

Mr. Haugan repeatedly cites events and situations which existed and were created before our city manager and current council members took office. Many of these public servants have worked tirelessly to address these problems with real success. They were instrumental in changing our form of government to improve accountability.

And contrary to Mr. Haugan’s bogus financial claims, they did a remarkable job keeping our city financially sound during a severe recession.

Certainly the city has real problems and important issues need to be addressed; but intentionally alarming citizens with events long passed and with trumped up issues keeps us from focusing on the real work that needs to be done. And one has to wonder how Mr. Haugan can possibly work in a constructive manner with people he has relentlessly attacked in ad copy containing blatant and intentional distortions.

Whether or not Mr. Haugan and the other two candidates, Dee McComb and Arlene Buetow – who are all backed by rightwing, anti-government Gary Tripp and his PAC, Common Sense Bainbridge – are Tea Party Republicans, Independents or Democrats really doesn’t matter.

But constantly repeating bogus facts and exaggerations is the hallmark of the Tea Party. Bainbridge deserves better.


Bainbridge Island