Vann should be thanked, not attacked | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: I have lived on Bainbridge since 1988. I work off-island and commute almost on a daily basis. My husband served on the city council for 10 years and has recently retired from that elected position. I have never written a letter to the editor. With all that said; regarding your editorial attack on former council member Debbie Vann, I am compelled to ask, why?

To the editor:

I have lived on Bainbridge since 1988. I work off-island and commute almost on a daily basis. My husband served on the city council for 10 years and has recently retired from that elected position. I have never written a letter to the editor. With all that said; regarding your editorial attack on former council member Debbie Vann, I am compelled to ask, why?

When reviewing past practices as you have done, I would remind you, as a new member of the island that a former mayor and council member along with another former council member served on the open space commission. That citizen-based committee was responsible for spending $8 million of taxpayer-approved bond money. Additionally, one of those same council members is now serving a second term on the ordinance based Utility Advisory Committee for the city council. The trend of your editorial is not to appoint past elected officials. Past elected officials have valuable institutional knowledge that can help our community to make decisions that have positive long term value.

Debbie Vann should be thanked for her applying to the planning commission to help with our most sensitive land-use issues. No one should have been libeled in such an unprofessional manner while you eviscerated her community reputation. How many citizens are now going to volunteer to help their government?

I urge you to apologize to Ms. Vann for your editorial. It was just plain mean and served no purpose except to further polarize our community in a negative manner.


Bainbridge Island