VanDyk good listener | Letters | August 12

I have had the good fortune of knowing Chris van Dyk for several years now, originally through our sons’ mutual friendship.

VanDyk good listener

I have had the good fortune of knowing Chris van Dyk for several years now, originally through our sons’ mutual friendship.

I was first attracted to the organization he created, Citizens For More Important Things, in which he advocated against using precious tax dollars on professional sports stadiums at the expense of public education and infrastructure. At other times, we have sparred over certain local political issues; however, even then I found him to be a good listener and someone willing to engage in a spirited debate in which all involved are encouraged to defend their positions in a thoughtful and constructive way. Such seriousness of purpose, honesty, empathy and integrity could only benefit the entire council.

On a more personal level, there have been several times when I have seen Chris come to the aid of total strangers when no cameras were whirling nor microphones present. Such selfless devotion to the well-being of others speaks volumes and could only serve us all well as we struggle to find common ground on this beautiful, but small island.

Robert Weschler

Bainbridge Island