Thanks for the laughter and joy | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Just a short note filled with a lot of gratitude. Jan. 3 was my last day at the T&C Espresso bar. After 10 years I am stepping away to pursue a new endeavor.

To the editor:

Just a short note filled with a lot of gratitude. Jan. 3 was my last day at the T&C Espresso bar. After 10 years I am stepping away to pursue a new endeavor.

From Dale, Ragnar and Ted on the senior end (and those guys are seriously senior) to Fox and River on the young side and everyone in between, I have loved our time together and have been honored to be a part of this community and a part of your lives.

You have all made my work so easy and so much fun. I have been asked if I get tired of the small talk. I have never thought of it that way, those few moments have been an opportunity for connection, laughter and joy.

Thank you all so much!

