Suzuki Trail had huge number of volunteers | Letters | July 30

The non-motorized Suzuki Trail along Sportsman Club Road going south from North Brooklyn Road is finished.

The 800-foot Suzuki Trail will provide safe passage for kids to school, safe pedestrian access between neighborhoods and recreational trail opportunities for our island community.

In the bigger city-wide trails plan, as part of the Sportsman Club Corridor trail, the Suzuki Trail will help connect the southern and northern ends of the island with non motorized trails providing wonderful recreational asset to our island home.

Thank you to everyone for your help in realizing this trail and community asset.

This two-year project would not have been possible without the generosity of everyone involved. What an accomplishment from “Our Community of Neighbors”

They included: folks from Commodore and North Town Woods; students who raised funds; volunteer trail advocates – especially John Grinter and Don Willot, without whom the project would not have occurred; Bainbridge residents; community organizations such as Friends of Bainbridge Trails, Association of Bainbridge Communities (Frank Stowall, Charles Schmid, Linda Owens) and the Sportsman Club; Bainbridge Rentals for its donated equipment, Safeway and the local media; the city for donating the trail easement and authorizing permits; the City Council (especially Barry Peters) and park district members Arlan Elms, Dan Hamlin, Terry Lande, Eric Sherwin, Ken Dewitt for their time, materials and expertise to help us realize this trail project.

On behalf of the volunteers,

Dianne Stever and Laurie Rice