Someone should be looking at water issue | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: I have a question, and, seriously, I really don’t know the answer. It’s related to what to do about the Suzuki property, but it’s also a larger question.

To the editor:

I have a question, and, seriously, I really don’t know the answer. It’s related to what to do about the Suzuki property, but it’s also a larger question.

Has anyone studied water resources on Bainbridge? Can we provide water to the existing population, as well as to the new affordable housing at the foot of Ferncliff and the staggering new growth on Wyatt Way? If that answer is affirmative, what about the proposed housing on the Suzuki property?

Last summer, a neighborhood on the south end of the island was asked to conserve water. I share a well with seven other families, and I called the company that maintains our well about the drought, and they recommended conserving. That was just during last summer’s drought.

Has anyone looked at what water resources will look like in 30 years? Will the proposed Suzuki property owners one day turn on the taps and see nothing coming out? Are the people who are so eager to develop the rest of the island willing to pay for a pipeline to bring water here, if that’s even feasible?

Has anyone even asked these questions? I hope so, and I hope that those who are should be responsible for answering have the answers.


Bainbridge Island