Rolling Bay is not the place for a marijuana dispensary | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: I am writing to you as a mother of two teenagers, a professional who works with individuals who struggle with addiction, and a concerned community member of Rolling Bay.

To the editor:

I am writing to you as a mother of two teenagers, a professional who works with individuals who struggle with addiction, and a concerned community member of Rolling Bay.

I was shocked and saddened to hear the news that Rolling Bay will house the marijuana dispensary for Bainbridge Island, which will be located right across the street from my home and business office, Lifespan Psychological Services. My husband, Steve Curtis, and I are deeply concerned about the impact that the selling of marijuana, basically in our front yard, will have on our family, our business, and our community.

I know that a lot of Bainbridge residents supported the legalization of marijuana and may be pleased to have local access to it in the coming months. It’s not that I am opposed to the legalization of marijuana or to people using it. In fact, I personally believe that people should be free to choose how they conduct their lives, as long as they aren’t hurting others.

However, as a family member of a long-term addict, as well as a clinical psychologist, I feel I can speak to the devastating effects that marijuana can have on the lives of individuals and their families. The last thing that I want for my children and the children of Rolling Bay, as well as my clients who struggle with addictions, is to have such ready access to a substance that I know first hand has the ability to complicate their lives.

My brother is a 55-year-old man whose life has been devastated because of his addictions, which all started with his first joint that he smoked in the bushes outside of a Boy Scout meeting when he was in seventh grade. While many people would argue that marijuana is not harmful or addictive, it clearly can cause harm just like any other substance, especially with daily use. My brother was a straight-A student who could have been incredibly successful and made major contributions to our world with his brilliance; instead, his curiosity and need for creative stimulation took him down the path of serious drug addiction, which eventually led to legal problems, frequent jail time, and long bouts of unemployment. I would not wish this on anyone.

It is the children of Rolling Bay that are at risk. Many children frequent the stores and businesses that are located around the Jiffy Mart building, which is the proposed location for this marijuana dispensary. Some children attend music lessons at Rolling Bay Hall, martial arts classes Island Martial Arts, or youth activities at Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church.

Many other children from the surrounding neighborhoods often walk to Jiffy Mart for a Popsicle on a warm day, for a cookie or cup of hot chocolate at the Rolling Bay Café on a chilly afternoon, or to look at the cute chicks in the window at Bay Hay and Feed in the springtime. While they are out and about, looking for something to do, these children do not need greater temptations, such as easier access to marijuana or other drugs.

Further, there will be a substantial increase in traffic in Rolling Bay, especially given that this dispensary will service much of Kitsap County.

Finally, with more people frequenting Rolling Bay to visit the marijuana dispensary, it is quite likely that the crime rate could increase in our area, again causing potential harm to our entire community. Thus, as members of Rolling Bay, we do not want this dispensary in our community, given the potential risks for ourselves and especially for our children.

I don’t know where my brother got his first joint all those years ago. However, I would hate to think that some curious child would start down a similar path because of a joint that he scored in the Jiffy Mart parking lot, practically in my front yard.

For the sake of our families, and the Rolling Bay community, please re-consider the location for the marijuana dispensary. Thank you.


Bainbridge Island