Rite Aid workers have shown great kindness | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: I feel I need to respond to the erudite, judgmental and, let’s face it, whiney and downright nasty letter on the fear of Bartell drugs in the paper last week.

To the editor:

I feel I need to respond to the erudite, judgmental and, let’s face it, whiney and downright nasty letter on the fear of Bartell drugs in the paper last week.

How I feel about the pending growth is unimportant I just want to send my support to all the people in retail stores, but especially Rite Aid, for all the kindness and care they have given me in the last 22 years.  These people have been unfailingly there for me and if anyone’s philosophies are antiquated apparently the writer feels so are good manners and basic kindness. Most people on our streets unfailingly smile as you pass by. But perhaps that’s because I have a smile on my face too.

Lastly I want to defend our right to have a different opinion from someone else without having to be belittled or ridiculed for it. I work many hours at the senior center and I do not meet people there that would agree we are treated badly. They are a group of caring and nonjudgemental people I am proud to call friends.

So, to all my twitchy  paranoid friends enjoy your Birkenstock’s & BMWs and thanks for your smiles and caring.


Bainbridge Island