RePower powers down on July 15 | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: RePower Bainbridge would like to thank all of the Islanders who helped make our Final Boarding Call event a huge success.

To the editor:

RePower Bainbridge would like to thank all of the Islanders who helped make our Final Boarding Call event a huge success.

More than 400 people attended the recent conservation and sustainability-focused event at Woodward Middle School, demonstrating once again how committed Bainbridge Islanders are to creating a more sustainable island.

At the event, islanders connected with RePower Bainbridge’s allied contractors and energy experts to create energy efficiency plans for their homes before the July 15 final upgrade deadline. Many attendees made at least two energy upgrade measures to qualify for the $800 cash back incentive offered through RePower.

Puget Sound Energy sold 1,794 energy-saving products at the event, which will save 983,055 pounds of carbon – the equivalent of taking 122 cars off the road for a year.

Thanks are also in order to the local vendors who attended, from trade ally contractors, Puget Sound Energy and Kitsap Credit Union, and to guest speakers, Charlie Wenzlau (Wenzlau Architects), Russ Hamlet (Studio Hamlet Architects), and Peter Brachvogel (BC&J Architecture).

A community-wide program like RePower can’t be successful without local residents. Together we’ve made huge steps for energy conservation, with more than 2,230 Island homes receiving Home Energy Check-Ups to date, and more than 518 energy efficiency improvements made.

Thank you to everyone who was part of the Final Boarding Call event. Although there’s only limited time remaining (all projects and paperwork must be complete by July 15), it’s not too late to cash in on RePower Rewards. Call 1-877-741-4340 to find out more.