RePower Bainbridge is a political gimmick | Letters | April 1

With the federal deficit nearing $14 trillion and Washington State underwater at $7 billion, RePower Bainbridge advocates are cheering reception of $4.9 million federal grant.

RePower proposes to “help island homeowners and businesses reduce energy use and costs.” This grant is the local version of earmarks, otherwise known as “pork.”

The $4.9 million grant is taxpayer dollars better spent to assist the truly needy.

PSE personnel openly state RePower comparisons lack validity. Island residences house families of various sizes and utilize electricity, heating oil, propane, etc.

RePower treats islanders as if they were incapable of opening the Yellow Pages to access energy audit services. My personal letter from RePower suggested I reduce usage by “turning off lights.” Eureka!

Bainbridge is a generally wealthy island. The state is meanwhile contemplating defunding weatherization for the truly needy.

The media recently profiled a residence with “100 can lights” getting a free (i.e., taxpayer-funded) RePower audit.

RePower attempts to prevent construction of an additional supply of electrical energy to the island. So, no further development on Bainbridge? Ever?

This boondoggle is a prime example of the abuses of one-party rule on Bainbridge.

I ask my fellow Bainbridge  Island  citizens to look more closely into the agenda and methods of RePower Bainbridge.

Mary Victoria Dombrowski

Fort Ward