Progress should start now on gun control | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Elected officials, why did you decide to run for public office?

To the editor:

Elected officials, why did you decide to run for public office?

I trust your answer is to serve the people you represent. Now comes the hard part.

Do you do what you know is right and never worry about your own re-election?

Can you pass this test? Can your colleagues pass this test?

I think not, otherwise we would already have the gun control laws we need. Why has the subject dropped from the public debate? The answer is that citizens have become discouraged when they must accept the fact that their elected representatives will not listen no matter what, no matter how bad things get, no matter how many die or find themselves forced to live with gun inflicted disabilities. There are too many examples of horror to list here.

When will progress begin? When will you do the following?

Propose an excellent comprehensive gun control law. Join representatives and senators who do propose such laws. Speak out when those in control of congress refuse to let such laws come to a vote. Include supporting gun control among your promises at re-election time. Add gun control among the topics listed on your website.

As citizens we need to find candidates who will support gun control. We must not let the power of the NRA defeat us. We need to organize and become a powerful movement for change in gun control. We as citizens must also unite to support candidates who will ensure services for mental health needs. We need to plan for the care of adults transitioning from childhood to adulthood. After the age of 18, who provides for those needing mental health care?

If we do not prioritize the above issues, we are letting fate rule. Without action we should acknowledge that we should feel guilt in addition to sadness when we see horrible things happen to our fellow citizens.

I for one will be watching you and your colleagues on these specific issues.

I am a mother of three adult children, seven grandchildren, am a retired educator: teacher, principal and superintendent.

I am willing to put forth both my time, energy and ability in efforts to make meaningful change, not meaningless political rhetoric. I hope you contact me with an honest statement as to what you plan to do and as I stated I am available for assistance.


Bainbridge Island