Peltier will be vocal but collaborative | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: It’s after Labor Day and fall is upon us. That means we can now turn our attention to the upcoming city council elections.

To the editor:

It’s after Labor Day and fall is upon us. That means we can now turn our attention to the upcoming city council elections.

This next year will see Bainbridge update its comprehensive plan, implement a potentially new transportation impact fee program, begin revising our development regulations to implement the comprehensive plan and begin initial feasibility studies for Highway 305 improvements funded from the state’s recent transportation budget. All have the ability to impact Bainbridge Island’s quality of life for a long, long time. The stakes are high and that is why I am supporting Ron Peltier for city council.

Along with hundreds of other islanders, I met Ron while opposing the Visconsi development.

I became involved with Islanders For Responsible Development and saw, firsthand, skills that would make Ron an excellent city council member.

First, work to consensus. There were varied opinions as to a response to the Visconsi project. While not afraid to express his opinion, Ron ensured that all opinions were supported and modified his efforts based on the collective will of the organization. He had an opinion but was not inflexible.

Second, he did his homework. Not many people actually read all of the various plans, studies and codes related to the project. He provided an informed and articulate response to actions which seemed inconsistent with the goals expressed in our comprehensive plan. This was not a NIMBY – “don’t develop Bainbridge” perspective. It was a reasoned “How does this meet our stated goals for the island.”

Instead of being focused on the negative, his perspective was more directed to how this could be made better.

In our recent elections we have seemed very concerned about electing a council that gets along; that is “civil.” Some of this seems like code to me for not questioning city reports or actions and not showing public disagreements among council members.

We have big issues coming to Bainbridge Island and we need a council that can do their homework, bring positive opinions to the conversation, disagree when necessary but work collaboratively with other council members, our city manager and city staff to move issues forward.

Ron will be a vocal but helpful collaborator and we need those skills on the city council even more than ever.


Bainbridge Island