On Bainbridge, there’s much to be thankful for | Letters | April 1


In the last two weeks, I have been to the Los Angeles Philiharmonic (1) and to the New York Metropolitan Opera (2). I’ve walked saltwater beaches (3) and negotiated currents in a river (4). I’ve spent time with the young (5) and the wise (6). I’ve explored Scotland through the eyes of the Celtic people (7).

All this right here on the rock I love and within six miles of home:

(1) Bainbridge Cinemas

(2) Bainbridge Cinemas

(3) Hawley Cove Park and Fay Bainbridge

(4) Bainbridge Aquatics Center

(5) Ordway Rock-n-Roll Readers

(6) Wyatt House

(7) Grace Church

Today as I write, the traffic revision begins in Winslow – it will be so easy to fuss and grumble. I intend to work diligently to remember how fortunate I am to live here.

Fran Moen

Bainbridge Island