Old growth trees can’t be replaced | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: I had a chance to walk the Suzuki property today. A foul ball distance away from the bus barn high school baseball field is a mature forest stand of trees.

To the editor:

I had a chance to walk the Suzuki property today. A foul ball distance away from the bus barn high school baseball field is a mature forest stand of trees.

It is really a remnant old growth stand. It has at least three of the five attributes that define an old growth forest. These are very large diameter trees, regeneration, large woody debris on the forest floor. I did not look to see if the other two attributes were present; that being large diameter snags and multi vegetative layers. I am qualified to say this because I was a professional forester for 10 years and a member of the state old growth commission.

This stand is priceless and it cannot be replaced. It is one of the most significant vestiges of old growth I have seen in my 25 years with the Bainbridge Island Land Trust.

The city owes its citizens now and the future generations of islanders to preserve this habitat. The city should require every Suzuki development proposal to safeguard this unique site.

I encourage everyone to walk under these trees and bring your children and friends so they can see what awesome old growth trees look like.


Bainbridge Island