New councilors will fix city’s problems | Letters | Oct. 23


There are several issues which must be dealt with.

The Winslow sewer is 80 percent complete and needs to be finished. Second there is the $3 million “loan” from the “water reserve account” that must be paid by May of next year.

For years the matter of Winslow Way has been pushed by special interest groups. We suggest that if you want to achieve realistic, fair and equitable charges for the South End Sewer District, including Blakely school and Lynwood Center, it can be done by the new council members who will work for resolution of the major issues of the sewer plant and repay the loan so the city’s credit rating can be restored without increasing the rates on the south end sewer participants.

Vote for Kirsten Hytopoulos, Debbie Vancil and Dee DuMont.

Bill Gilbert, Charles Hawk, Seanna Munn

Bainbridge Island