Name-calling over the shoreline plan should stop | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Actually, this is a letter to the reading public of the community — really a plea.

To the editor:

Actually, this is a letter to the reading public of the community — really a plea.

There will always be issues that divide much of the community for all sorts of reasons. Often such division can result in some strong emotional reactions. However, whatever sides emerge, there is no acceptable reason for any side to submit letters that are personally defamatory.

Unfortunately that has occurred over the matter of the Shoreline Management Plan under discussion.

It might have been expected that the city’s elected leadership could have sensed the problem and exercised that leadership to mitigate the situation. That they have not done so is unfortunate.

The hope now is that this letter, the local media, along with all sides of the issues at hand, will encourage legitimate and energetic debate without the name calling and other useless commentary.


Bainbridge Island