Let’s work together on energy sources | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor:

I would like to share a consideration in the PSE versus Island Power debate that I haven’t heard discussed publicly: Responsibility for our past. Regardless of which side you support, we’ve come to this point with a significant community investment in the electricity production infrastructure of PSE. We have a responsibility to see that infrastructure replaced with sustainable and environmentally responsible sources, but also to retire existing infrastructure appropriately.

Starting our own utility will not make those coal and natural burning sites disappear and will weaken the ability of PSE to retire and replace those sites responsibly.

We should think bigger than our beautiful island and work with PSE to transition them to better sources of energy. In the meantime, we can work on energy efficiency, building efficiency, individual and community solar projects, and creative projects à la the Harbor House/Impact Energy/PSE digester now in testing.


Bainbridge Island