Join me in supporting Sherry Appleton | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Who has the moral courage to defend persons with serious and profound disabilities?

To the editor:

Who has the moral courage to defend persons with serious and profound disabilities?

“We hold these truths…ALL…created equal…Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness.”

Those words cost Abraham Lincoln his life. How many Marines, soldiers, sailors, pilots and others gave and are giving their lives to secure and protect our rights and values?

I support those who most consistently and most courageously live those values. I support Sherry Appleton for District 23 Representative.

Christine Rolfes stated publicly, “Sherry will throw herself under the bus” to protect the rights of persons least able to advocate for themselves. Sherry has and will continue to do that, and she and Christine have partnered with others on both sides of the aisle for those vulnerable persons and their families. This was and is no small sacrifice. Sherry has to face off against powerful persons from local to state and federal.

Because those with more power prevailed, a young man is dead. He was taken from care he needed to care which was inadequate to protect him. Sherry has not forgotten. Have we?

Sherry Appleton has not forgotten the message of Psalm 82:4. God calls us to “Rescue the weak and the needy, and deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”

In 1945, I got to those pictures in Life magazine before Grandma Mary could hide them from my young, innocent eyes. I learned what happened when we forget that every life is precious, and their rights must be protected.

When lives are valued differently, one over another, there is only one safe place to be: on the committee that sets the price.

Please stand up for vulnerable persons who cannot speak for themselves, and join me in supporting Sherry Appleton.

