It’s about time for Rep. Inslee to go | Letters | March 5


It’s time for Rep. “Money Grows On Trees” Inslee to call it a day. The 1st District needs a statesman like his well-respected predecessor Joel Pritchard, not a career politician. He left Republican-dominated Yakima for greener pastures in hopes of keeping his job in Congress and has become what can best be described as a leftist carpetbagger.

He votes for pork and the publicity he gets when he brings home the bacon. After he votes yes for government-run health care, he will then proceed to raise taxes and borrow more money from the Chinese at higher and higher interest rates to pay for it all and to supposedly create jobs.

At the same time, he’ll vote to take away local jobs and give them to non-citizens by granting them amnesty for breaking the law by entering America illegally, cutting in line ahead of legal immigrants, not paying their taxes, and defrauding the U.S. government with fake documents.

It’s time for Rep Inslee to go.

Tom Greene

Bainbridge Island