Island dog owners should be responsible | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: As the responsible owner of an 8-year-old rescue pup I want to applaud the people who are finally speaking up about the dog problem on the island.

To the editor:

As the responsible owner of an 8-year-old rescue pup I want to applaud the people who are finally speaking up about the dog problem on the island.

It’s not “island cool” to let your dog run around your neighborhood or off-leash on local trails — in fact, it’s island cruel! I’ve seen too many near-miss accidents in my neighborhood and on 305 where people were dangerously at risk because of dogs running loose.

Dog owners: If you can’t be bothered to care about the people around you, at least care about your own animal — keep your dog on a leash or on your property.

Everyone else: Keep speaking up and reminding these self-centered people that they are part of a bigger picture!


Bainbridge Island