I’m voting for the other three candidates | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: A petulant island activist forms a political action committee (PAC) to support three city council candidates, then explicitly tells PAC contributors to be confidential in their donations and to lie about their occupations.

To the editor:

A petulant island activist forms a political action committee (PAC) to support three city council candidates, then explicitly tells PAC contributors to be confidential in their donations and to lie about their occupations.

Furthermore, the three candidates who stand to benefit from this PAC remain curiously quiet, apparently without the integrity to denounce its secrecy or its attempt to buy their election.

Is this the kind of behavior you want on our city council? I know I don’t. The city council slate of Val Tollefson, Wayne Roth and Roger Townsend will get my vote because they are smart, honest and thoughtful listeners — long-time islanders whose priority is transparent consensus-building among our larger community.


Bainbridge Island