Hytopoulos’ goal is to preserve island | Letters | Aug. 28


If Kirsten Hytopoulos is elected to City Council, she will effectively address the problems the city is now facing.

She not only has the legal and procedural background to function effectively in city government, but also the very necessary wisdom, heart, common sense and cooperative spirit needed to find solutions.

We met Kirsten for the first time several years ago when we wanted to learn more about a local environmental issue. Our concerns led us to join Green Voices, a group Kirsten leads.

She has provided valuable information about the city’s direction and motives – gained by attending hours of public meetingss.

We have appreciated her dedication, research and understanding of the issues, so that we can understand them and participate, too.

Kirsten excels at smoothing feathers, a talent needed on the council in order to get people of differing views to listen to each other.

As a moderator for the online parent group, IslandMoms, Kirsten sometimes has to put out fires.

When debate occurs and emotions run high online, some can resort to schoolyard tactics meant to shame someone into conformity.

Kirsten, with good humor, reminds people to respect other opinions, and often the debate then continues in a more thoughtful manner. She avoids emotion and divisive tactics when expressing her opinion.

We are voting for Kirsten because she will use these skills to foster good government and keep the island a lovely, unique place to live.

Rob, Candace and Beth Gudmundson,

Blakely Harbor