Help ‘Stuff the Turkey’ for Helpline House | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: November is “Stuff the Turkey Month” at Helpline House. Food drives are being planned to stock the Helpline House Food bank for the winter months and to provide plentiful holiday meals for our Island neighbors in need.

To the editor:

November is “Stuff the Turkey Month” at Helpline House. Food drives are being planned to stock the Helpline House Food bank for the winter months and to provide plentiful holiday meals for our Island neighbors in need.

During November, the community is encouraged to conduct food collections at schools, businesses and other organizations or to sponsor a food drive at one of the grocery stores or other public locations on the island. Information on how to conduct a food drive or how to arrange a food delivery to Helpline is available on the website or by contacting

Groups or individuals may bring donations of food to Helpline House from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on three Saturdays in November: Nov. 8, 15 and 22.

All types of food will be gratefully accepted next month, canned, packaged or frozen holiday items as well as basic pantry foods, such as canned goods, cereals, and baking supplies. Close to Thanksgiving, donations of fresh foods to round out holiday offerings will also be appreciated. Suggestions for the types of foods needed by the food bank during the holidays are at, or call Helpline at 206-842-7621 for information.

Cash donations and grocery gift cards ($15 or $25 amounts) are also appreciated. With these the food bank can purchase items in bulk at discount or obtain last minute supplies, as well as provide for special diets.

People registered for the food bank, or who can provide proof of current residency on Bainbridge Island, are welcome to sign up to shop in the food bank for Thanksgiving foods during the week of Thanksgiving. Signups for shopping appointments will be taken through Nov. 21.

The staff and volunteers at Helpline House look forward to working with other Island organizations and neighbors to once again ensure food choices and security for the holidays and beyond. Please donate generously. Together we can “Stuff the Turkey” this November.


Food Bank Manager

Helpline House