Flat-tire rescue much appreciated by victims | Letters | Feb. 18

This past Sunday night, my friends and I attended East/West Outreach, a group that helps support orphanages in Romania and Mexico.

En route home we had a flat tire. My friend pulled off to the side of the road, turned on her emergency lights and stood in front of her car. In just a few minutes, two young women came to our rescue.

I didn’t see wings, but I was sure I heard the rustle of feathers as they graciously helped us into their van. They took my friends home first so they could quickly contact AAA, and then they brought me to my home on Commodore Lane.

I offered them some gas money, which they refused. I didn’t have the presence of mind to ask their names, but I do want to say again, “Thank you! Thank you.”

We have great young people on this island. I pray special blessings on their heads.

Bonnie C. Whited

Bainbridge Island