Ferry Dog Mothers could use help | Letters | Dec. 4

Have you ever wondered about that little farm near Bay Hay & Feed – the cozy one with all the animals.

That is the home of Ferry Dog Mothers, an animal rescue facility that not only helps save animals from uncertain fate at the Humane Society shelter, but helps ease the pain of broken hearts.

In these fragile economic times people just like you are forced more often than you can imagine to part with their non-human family members because of job loss, foreclosure, exorbitant veterinary fees and a host of other reasons.

Teri Cole, one of the three kind souls responsible for this amazing resource, helps in a number of ways, including finding adoptive families (who she personally grills for suitability) all the way to taking in the animals herself.

Her motivation? Love and concern for the welfare of animals and an understanding of the brutal systems in place that sometimes fail these creatures.

Running the rescue facility takes a lot of money, and most of it comes out of Teri’s own pocket supplemented by donations of time and cash, food and supplies from the generous people who know she’s there.

As someone who has been helped and comforted by Teri Cole, I ask you to consider dropping by a bag of dog food, writing a check or volunteering to help.

Hopefully the Bainbridge Review will do a story on the Ferry Dog Mothers so you can learn what this amazing project says about our community. I remember a quote from a college course many years ago:

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.” – Immanuel Kant

Well, there is a giant heart at work in Rolling Bay and she needs our help. Check out her Web site www.ferrydogmothers.com

Elizabeth Dourley

Bainbridge Island