Don’t forget Uncle Dave and the gang of four | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Reading the 2012 Year in Review was a nice trip down memory lane, but the “Best of the Blotter” section was a disappointment. T

To the editor:

Reading the 2012 Year in Review was a nice trip down memory lane, but the “Best of the Blotter” section was a disappointment. The “best of” descriptions were mostly police responses to drunk, reckless or speeding drivers. Not really very amusing.

There was an incident on Thanksgiving night that, surprisingly, did not make the blotter.

After our family enjoyed a fine holiday feast at the home of some Island friends, all of the kids went to the yard to play a spirited game of flashlight tag. As the adults sat around the table eating our dessert, the dining room lit up with the glow of flashing police lights. We ran outside to see what was going on (except me because I was still eating a piece of excellent pie). We learned from talking to the officers that a neighbor had called Bainbridge’s finest after hearing “blood curdling screams” coming from the yard.

There was, of course, no cause for alarm. Sometimes kids scream when being pursued in a game of flashlight tag.

All of kids were pretty disappointed they did not make the blotter that week, but printing this letter is your chance to make things right. So to the gang of four, plus the ringleader Uncle Dave, here is the press you deserve.


Bainbridge Island