Chocolate milk is nutrition in disguise | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: I think that chocolate milk should continue to be served in the lunch room.

To the editor:

I think that chocolate milk should continue to be served in the lunch room. Chocolate milk has the same nine essential nutrients as plain milk, plus some kids drink more milk when it’s flavored. Mrs. Dobbins, a nutritionists for the Mid-west Dairy Association, says that research shows that children who drink flavored milk meet more of their nutrient needs, do not consume more added sugar, fat and calories, and are not heavier than non-milk drinkers. Chocolate milk has a 27 grams total carbohydrates. That’s about three teaspoons of added sugar, which is much lower than the amount of added sugar in cola, nine teaspoons, and sports drinks, seven teaspoons.

Unlike chocolate milk, other flavored drinks don’t give important nutrients, including, protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, and calcium.

In conclusion, chocolate milk provides the nutrients kids need with less than half the added sugar of cola. Chocolate milk also helps kids get the three recommended servings of dairy each day.


Bainbridge Island