Center gets remarkable help during makeover | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: I am writing as the new manager of the Waterfront Park Community Center on Bainbridge Island. Although I began work almost four months ago, the real job begins now as we officially celebrate our grand opening.

To the editor:

I am writing as the new manager of the Waterfront Park Community Center on Bainbridge Island. Although I began work almost four months ago, the real job begins now as we officially celebrate our grand opening.

The senior center began construction nine months ago, and until we reopened our doors a few days ago, much of our programming had to move off-site. Because of the generosity of our community partners, our classes and services were able to continue during our period of renovation.

Much of our programming was housed temporarily at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church. Their kindness allowed most of our students to continue enjoying our classes even as we were closed for construction.

The Bainbridge Performing Arts Center also adopted many of our weekly programs and always met our needs with reassurance. Virginia Villas graciously took on our Chuckwagon Meals program (and Bingo!) during renovation and made sure our social services remained accessible.

To these remarkable institutions, we say a hearty “Thank you!” Were it not for your commitment and collaboration, much of the good work of the community center may have been compromised for many months.

So, even as our members are finding their way home to us now that our doors have swung open, we are grateful for the care and kindness demonstrated by our community partners.



Waterfront Park Community Center