Bicycle re-distribution of wealth is playing out | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: In keeping with the current ideology of wealth re-distribution an opportunity exists right before our eyes.

To the editor:

In keeping with the current ideology of wealth re-distribution an opportunity exists right before our eyes. Bicyclists on Bainbridge for too long have enjoyed an overwhelming portion of wealth as it relates to their use/abuse of the road, sidewalks, traffic rules and the ferry. While vehicle owners shoulder the costs of providing bicyclists with lanes that they refuse to stay in and pay for damages the cyclists inflict on cars on the ferry, the drivers also take a back seat to the cyclists. Cyclists whine that they should be able to arrive late to the ferry and still get preferential loading privileges and if they don’t they weave between the cars inflicting damage.

The wealth enjoyed by the bikers should be equally distributed to drivers. Cyclists should have to carry insurance indemnifying drivers for damage to cars, they should be required to obey ferry rules or be subject to fines enforced by the ferry employees, they should be required to license their bikes and be able to produce proof of insurance, registration, and drivers license.

Law enforcement is not doing any favors by ignoring bikers riding on sidewalks, running stop signs, (I see it every day on my commute), failing to signal, cutting in front of cars and other irresponsible activities. Bottom line, treat bikers like every one else using the road and their sense of entitlement may begin to erode making it a safer and more affordable place for all. In all my years on Bainbridge I have never witnessed blue lights flashing behind a bicycle on the side of Highway 305.


Bainbridge Island