Nasser authentically lives her values | Letter to the editor

To the editor:

I was so encouraged when I learned that Rasham Nasser was running for Bainbridge Island City Council. Good stewardship of anything, whether it be land, business, assets, or mind, starts in the individual life of the steward.

It’s time that we elect leadership that authentically lives their campaign values in their everyday life. It’s the change we need.

Having had the great privilege of living and working with Rasham and her husband on their farm, my support for her candidacy is not only out of agreement with her positions on the issues facing our city, but also out of deep respect for how she and her small family live their daily lives, and how they have woven it in with our community.

The values we hold with highest integrity are usually the ones we pass on to our children with the most vigor. Rasham and her husband are devotedly tied to the land and its cycles, raising their son to move with nature, not against it, to recognize the potency of everyday decisions and their importance in making personal and community values tangible.

While decision-making in their home, the well-being of the society and land that their son and his peers will come to navigate is a very real consideration. Rasham is an advocate for our land and community out of personal integrity and intimate experience, not out of trend or outside influence.

I can’t think of anything more refreshing, considering the larger political climate, than someone actually practicing what they preach. Humble strength is what comes to mind when thinking about my dear friend Rasham.

Humble strength is what I hope our community can embrace when making tough decisions about how to move Bainbridge into the future.


Bainbridge Island