Councilman Barry Peters recently wrote a letter accusing “a small number” of unnamed island residents of engaging in “personal attack style politics.” Mr. Peters believes that disrespectful citizens are responsible for the recent resignations of several city employees.
Considering the entertainment value of the City Council’s recent meetings, perhaps the city should start charging an admission fee. Well, probably not, since most people would just stay home and watch the shenanigans on Bainbridge Island Television.
Emotions were running high and the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife at the staging area of the Bainbridge Annual Grande Olde Fourthe of Julye Parade last Fridaye afternoone. Anxious paraders milled about anxiously and anxiously glanced at their watches, all waiting anxiously for the parade to begin. One sign of the rampant pre-parade nervousness was the long line outside the two staging area Porta Potties located on the corner of Madison and Wallace Way. The line outside these Porta Potties was among the longest I saw all day, second perhaps only to the line in front of the booth offering free Obama stickers and the queue in front of the American Marine Bank ATM on Winslow Way.
You have to wonder about the morality of politicians, bureaucrats and Americans of all types who are strongly against torture when it’s done to us while believing the end justifies the means when the U.S. tortures a declared enemy to gather information.
The second reading of the 2009 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) update takes place at tonight’s City Council meeting. This is the first opportunity for the public to offer formal comment to the full council on the draft CFP, and the first opportunity for the council to discuss the plan. Some background is in order.
Check out the lounge at the Bainbridge Island Senior Community Center on a Tuesday morning and you’ll often meet several of the Evergreen Singers, a group of about 30 men and women who love to sing. They are there waiting to begin a rehearsal or a concert at the Island Health and Rehabilitation Center, Messenger House or other locale where they are scheduled to entertain that day.
This is the scene. I am sitting at a middle table at Bainbridge Bakers drinking a cup of tea and waiting for the husband to arrive, when I hear foreign accents behind me.
In the spirit of the Fabulous Fifties theme in yesterday’s Grand Old Fourth celebration, let’s revisit a time that, in some ways, doesn’t seem all that different from today. A political advertisement titled, “Walt Woodward on Bazookas and Typewriters,” ran in the Bainbridge Review on July 27, 1950, a few days after publisher Woodward decided to seek the First District seat in Congress. The Republican hoped to win the primary and then run against the incumbent, a Democrat he apparently considered a scourge on the face of the political landscape.
When I was young, a lot of years ago, we would come to Bainbridge for a week’s vacation. The beach was an infinite playground, especially for a city youngster like me. From morning to night we dug clams, fished, hunted for treasures, rode and swam our horses, found new birds for our house list, caught crabs, built driftwood and seaweed palaces, cooked over beach fires, poked at anemones under rafts, collected shells, beach glass and rocks with circles around them. It was a paradise. I vowed I would come back and live here. In 1973 I did.
I really don’t know why it is that all of us are so committed to the sea – except I think it is because in addition to the fact that the sea changes and the light changes, and ships change, it is because we all came from the sea. And it is an interesting biological fact that all of us have in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean, and, therefore, we have salt in our blood, in our sweat, in our tears. We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch – we are going back from whence we came.
It’s difficult these days to find anyone who is against recycling. There are plenty of people who don’t practice it, perhaps, preferring to feed garbage receptacles with any container or waste of which they no longer have a use. But even the unconscious among us probably wouldn’t admit to actually being against making our environment healthier through recycling.
Just in case the city’s budget and the community eventually support affordable housing on the island, the Bainbridge Island Planning Commission continues to plug away on the creation of an inclusionary housing ordinance. It appears that sometime this summer a draft will be pulled together and presented to island developers for their input.